Thursday, March 26, 2009

reflective journal 3

The giant panda weighs 75 - 160 kg (165 - 353 lb). It occupies montane forests with dense stands of bamboo at altitudes of 2700 - 3900 m (8850 - 12,800') (although it may descend to as low as 800 m (2600') during winter). Cubs are born singly or in pairs, but the mother usually only raises one.
The giant panda does not make a permanent den but takes shelter in hollow trees, rock crevices and caves. It is predominantly terrestrial but can climb trees well. Activity is largely crepuscular and nocturnal.
It spends 10 - 12 hours a day feeding.The giant panda weighs 75 - 160 kg (165 - 353 lb). It occupies montane forests with dense stands of bamboo at altitudes of 2700 - 3900 m (8850 - 12,800') (although it may descend to as low as 800 m (2600') during winter). Cubs are born singly or in pairs, but the mother usually only raises one.

I think that the panda is a big animal compared to otherbears in the animal kingdom.

extracted from

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